Friday, April 17, 2015


YAY!!!!!! Finally it's Friday. There's only about a month and a half let till school ends YAY!!!! SO excited for graduation and for my vacation at Guatemala. I haven't been there in like 4 years so all my cousins are all grown up and it will be lots of fun. This weekend I might go to an orientation at Northridge and a wedding if my dad doesn't go to work because my mother can't drive in the freeway and I still can't drive. I don't know how long it's going to take me to learn how to drive. I can do it but I mess up on my turns so I just gave up I think all I need it lots of practice but I don't have time for it and now we have an SUV which I really am scared to drive one because it's big and two because I don't want to mess it up but someday I will learn and buy myself a blue BMW.

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