Friday, February 27, 2015


In my English class we are reading the book called "Into the Wild", by Jon Krakauer. This book is about a young man bravely sets out alone on what turns into a majestic journey to explore the beauty and wonder of the world. Throughout his travels, which ultimately lead him into the wild and wilderness, he seeks and ultimately finds pleasure and joy along with a sense of truth and purpose he has been yearning for all his life. Along the way he meets and deeply touches a cast of others who are all in there own ways also looking to escape or move on from the past and enjoy life again. He leaves his family after graduating college, burns all his money, leaves his car, and decides to go to Alaska. But he dies from hunger because he was never prepared for his adventure. Do you think someone life this is considered a crazy person?

Thursday, February 26, 2015


I think school is important for everyone because we learn important skills that will help us out in the future. Even though some classes do seem boring and it seems like we will never use what we are being taught we must still try hard because it's a requirement. I think that if a person knows that they don't want to continue in school and take a career then they should stop coming to school and just waist there time ditching classes and instead go out and find a job in which they will be working in for the rest of their lives. I am happy because we only have about 3 months left of school and this means I will graduate soon. I do plan to continue my career path at California State University, Northridge I know it's not the best college but it's better than nothing.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Today is a very cold windy day here in Los Angeles. The weather is very weird now a days. This morning there was a terrible train crash in Oxnard. I am not sure if there were any dead people but I know there were some hurt. So yesterday me and my friend worked on our MESA project and I got Rhino Glue all over my fingers and it wouldn't come off. I was scared but until today in the morning that I washed dishes it started to come off so now it's less thank God.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Today has been a good morning so far. My weekend was great my mom bought me the Wii U and I have the Super Mario Game 3D. We also visited my aunt's house so I got to see my cousins which I hadn't seen in a long time. Well my Calculus teacher is back from his trip, I was getting use to doing nothing for 5th period but now we have to start again he has missed a lot of days now so I don't think he will be missing anymore. Have a great Monday!

Friday, February 20, 2015


YAY! It's finally Friday well this week went by really fast. Today I have to stay after school to start on my MESA project because it's almost pre-lims and we haven't started. Me and my friend Ana are doing the EGG Express. So we started a new project it's a racing game.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


So we are finally done with our Trivia Game. I think mine is okay I should've added more questions but it's not that bad. I wonder what we are going to do now. I am guessing it's going to be a guided practice and as always we will have a project to do afterwards which is similar to the practice.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Wow it is already Wednesday, I guess this week will go by really fast and soon we will be in March. I finally got accepted to California State University of Northridge, I think that's where I will be going because I would like to go to a UC but they are far and I don't want to dorm. Today my mom texted me saying that she recieved a call saying we have a meeting with my counselor at 2 p.m. but I think it's a mistake because we never made an appointment and I don't know what she may have to talk about with us.

Friday, February 13, 2015


Today I am happy because my mom bought me some flowers! I guess she's my valentine. I am happy that we get a 3 day weekend even though I know that I don't think we will be going out anywhere but at least I get to sleep in a little more. Hope everyone has a nice Friday and weekend! Happy Valentines day!


So yesterday I was really tiered because I had to help Ms.Torres set up and clean up after the Magnet Honor Roll. I was so happy because I got awarded with a medal for being in the honor roll all my four years of high school. Except that when I got home my mom wasn't in a good mood so she didn't even tell my Congrats. She was in a bad mood because she had gone to sell her pastries but some drunk man walked passed her and purposely bumped her tray and all her pastries fell so she didn't sell anything instead she lost her money. Happy Thursday everyone!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Today we are having the Magnet Honor Roll Luncheon. I am not that excited this year I think it's because I didn't make it into high honors in fact, I always wanted to but throughout my 4 years in high school I have only been rewarded for honors. I have been wanting a sweater that's why I wanted to get high honors but it's okay. I have to help set up during 3rd period. I think we will be having subway, chips, soda, and a dessert. That has been the menu for the past 3 years.We are now working on our own guessing game I can't make up my mind on what the subject of my questions should be.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I am not sure if we will continue our Guessing game. My teacher said we will do independent work soon I wonder what we will have to do probably some kind of game related to the guessing game. I don't know if we are going to put the Try Again option on the guessing game. Have a happy Tuesday! :)

Monday, February 9, 2015


Today wasn't such a good morning for me. My mom got mad at me for not listening to her. I hope that when I get home she will not be mad anymore. Yesterday was a good day. I went with my uncle to the movies we saw the Sponge bob Movie because my little cousin wanted to it was okay brought back my childhood memories I used to love watching Sponge bob. Later I went with my parents and grandmother and we ate Hawaiian BBQ I like that food a lot. Then we went to church and that was my day.

Friday, February 6, 2015


Well I totally failed my AP Calculus test yesterday, it was really hard. I skipped a lot of problems and the ones that I tried I either didn't finish them or I am not sure if I got the correct answer. Yesterday I got an email from Fullerton but unfortunately they are having a problem with my name. So my mom has always put Jennifer Lopez Eufemia in most of my paperwork but in my social my last names are switched and I have a middle name so Fullerton can't connect to my FAFSA because my name doesn't match. Hopefully I don't have this problem with the other colleges but I am going to go talk to my counselor today during 4th period I am shy though so I don't know how to ask her. Have a nice Friday!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Well the first grading period is coming and today I think grades are due. That was really fast. I am glad I completed all of my projects for this class. Today we have our first AP Calculus test and I honestly didn't study a lot as usual. The good thing is that my grade won't appear in my first report card. I think I should have a good grade for AP Macroeconomics. I hope I can get an A this semester and maybe a B for math. I wonder what kind of project we are going to do know with Scratch. Wish me good luck for this semester.